Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My (Material) Life for 27 Months

Bag #1 - 50 pounds... Bag #2 - 48.5 pounds... and a carry-on.  All of these items fit into three bags...

Here's a different angle...

These are all of the material things I'm bringing with me to South Africa.  The things that you can't see but I still carry with me are my family, friends, memories, lessons learned, excitement, nervousness, and curiosity.  These intangibles are more valuable to me than anything I can physically carry.  (I do have to say, though, that mountaineering has been great conditioning for these heavy bags - ha!)

While I'm in the Peace Corps, I'm hoping to feel a growing sense of detachment from material possessions.  Over the last few years, I've treasured experiences and memories more and more.  And now I imagine Peace Corps will elevate me to a new level.  I'm looking forward to a life that's simpler and away from forms of escape through things like Facebook; albeit, as I'm writing this post I recognize that by getting on the Internet to blog could be considered a distraction.  My hope is that blogging will do a couple of things.  One, it'll help me illustrate my experiences to anyone who is interested in reading about and seeing them.  Two, it'll help me write things down so I can look back on my experiences in the future and remember the finer details that tend to get lost in forgetfulness of time.  I hope you enjoy what I/we write and hopefully enjoy our posts to at least a minimal degree. ;)

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