Saturday, January 9, 2016

Michelle's 18-Month Reflection: How Do I Explain This?

My words are flying through my fingertips
They splatter on the blank wall like a Jackson Pollock
forming a 2-dimensional imitation,
a misshapen shadow of the vivid spirit that fills my life.
—a farce.

I try to catch them, to sculpt them into something more real, more authentic.
I will my words to hold the shape of children’s laughter on the school ground,
to mould each vein on my gogo’s hands
as she grinds the mealies in a hallowed out tree trunk.
to form the pit in my stomach of self-doubt and uncertainty
as I tippy-toe around my role as guest, collaborator, contributor, and friend.

My fingertips would form a swollen heart filled with love and pride and loyalty.
A sense of shared destiny, of belonging to one another, like brother and sister,
yet being apart.
A visitor at home.

Try as I may, my lexis fails me and my words fall flat. 

I will endeavor, in the future, to bring life to my language and better honour the soul of the phenomena that surround and hold me here.
Joe has pointed out that we have kept a pattern of posting a broader personal reflection every 6 months. The theme of my reflection is my inadequacy in relaying the soul of this experience to you, the reader. I am feeling and living so many raw and real things and it often feels like a minimization or an injustice to try and put them down on paper. I get caught up in trying to say it right, get it right. Torn between writing as self-expression and writing as an explanation. My words fail me, but I promise to try harder in these last months here.
Because sometimes getting it down imperfectly is better than letting it pass, disregarded, as though it never happened.

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